The Metzger Law Group supports the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the International Myeloma Foundation

Construction Work Health and Safety Hazards
Health and safety hazards for construction workers include:
- Injury from overexertion, repetitive manual tasks, or working in awkward positions.
- Exposure to toxic molds, fungi, and bird or rodent droppings.
- Exposure to lead, wood dust, asbestos, paints, solvents, and other toxic chemicals.
- Working in extreme temperatures, with risks of frostbite and heat stress.
- Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
- Injuries from using hand tools, powered tools and heavy powered equipment.
- Excessive vibration in the hands, arms or body from powered tools or equipment.
- Injury hazards from working in confined spaces and working at heights.
- Hearing loss from noise exposure.
- Electrical hazards from power tools, equipment, and power lines.
- Injury hazards from slips, rips and falls.
- Respiratory and fire hazards from wood dust.
- Stress and increased injury hazards from shift work and extended work days.